
Delivering a powerful cross platform Navigation and Situational Awareness tool in a single operationally proven EFB application. ACANS is used by professional crews across the Emergency Services, Military, and specialist commercial operators.

Designed for operational pilots and specialist crews in the most demanding roles ACANS enables time critical missions to be completed more efficiently whilst helping to keep the crew safe and informed.

An intuitive navigation application combined with real time Airspace Warnings, NOTAM and Weather updates. Integrated obstacle and wire overlays provide clear audio and visual alerts allowing aircrew to concentrate on the task in hand.

ACANS connectivity provides live tracking of ground and air assets with the ability to communicate directly with team members and share a dynamic Common Operating Picture between all involved agencies.

Enabling our users to work faster and smarter

Faster inflight planning capability
General 3 Lg >75% Reduction in verbal communication
Aviation 8 Lg 68% Crew workload reduction
General 6 Lg 26% Increased safety confidence

London's Air Ambulance Service

London, UK

London's Air Ambulance Service (LAAS) are a busy unit with a huge 'patch'. The airspace over London is complex and was the rationale for fitting ACANS to their MD902 helicopters as their navigation systems were distinctly 'legacy' and ill-suited to the increasingly dynamic skies over the nation's capital. ACANS offered enhanced situational awareness and navigational accuracy, whilst reducing crew workload, cheaper than a bespoke aircraft upgrade. ACANS is rapidly updateable and provides connectivity to police units on the ground, and back to LAAS operations. With its ability to store and use multiple mapping systems, ACANS is a key tool 'on mission', not just for navigation, and provides the crew with Electronic Flight Bag functionality. LAAS couldn't be happier with the support they get from Airbox who develop ACANS in step with their needs and are looking forward to ACANS being a key part of the solution for their replacement helicopter.

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One system shows everything at a glance

Key Features

  • Intuitive Mission & Flight Planning
  • Instant route/data/information sharing
  • Real time Situational Awareness
  • Interoperability with other agencies 

"I could tell exactly where the Hawk crashed, I could see all of the tracks of the civil helicopters on my ACANS tablet - in fact, I realised I probably had better Situational Awareness than the Operations team at RNAS Culdrose, where the aircraft was based.  I called Culdrose Operations and was able to tell them where the crash site was and update them as to the location of civil assets in the vicinity.  This helped the crash site to be swiftly cordoned off, which is vital to preserve evidence for the inevitable enquiry.  In the Post Accident review, Culdrose decided to buy their own ACANS licences and Tablets to improve their Situational Awareness for day-to-day operations, as well as emergency situations like the crash".